Sustainability and design: students working with laser

OT-LAS and Accademia Italiana return to collaborate in 2024 in a special project that combines laser, sustainability and design. Already in 2023, the students of the Accademia Italiana Fashion and Interior Design courses challenged themselves in the creative use of the OT-LAS laser for the “R-R challenge – Waste Reduction, Waste Recovery”. The aim of the challenge was to develop innovative ideas and products to reduce waste production and reuse waste in the production chain. The result was not long in coming and the students stood out for their ingenuity and creativity, developing solutions that promote the circular economy.

Winning projects of the year 2023:

Reuse of phone covers in interior design by becoming tiles for flooring, objects, etc. 

Use of fabrics waste to create a garment that creates a dynamic relationship between body and fabric (designed by Giada Rendine, Isabel Rossi and Sofia Sabaini).

From outfits made with recycled fabrics to furnishing elements obtained from waste materials, such as the used covers of smartphones, creative ideas have come to life through the versatility of laser. After the success of the operation, the challenge is renewed this year always under the banner of the combination of design and sustainability but with a new meaning and new horizons to explore.

Challenge 2024: laser, design and sustainability for an inclusive world

The theme chosen for the 2024 challenge is that of inclusiveness, in its multiple meanings. Students were invited to carry out projects that promote the diversity of each individual, equity in all its forms and the inclusion of each person and people in the dynamics of power, choice, expression and authority. The flexible technology of OT-LAS laser machines offers a wide range of application possibilities to realize projects and products to support this goal. Among them:

  • Fashion independent of gender labels
  • Fashion tailored to each skills level
  • Adaptive clothing and footwear for the comfort of every person
  • Tactile maps
  • Braille
  • Solutions for custom room control


OT-LAS is reviewing projects realized to select the most original and creative. As for the previous edition, the winners of the contest will have the opportunity to use the laser machines that OT-LAS will make available to create their innovative product.

Learn more about OT-LAS laser technology for fashion and interior design.